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The Games and Toys Directory : Searching For 'Climate Control'
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Found 4 Matches

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1. Bazaar & Novelty
Canadian makers of the Power Play Bingo Console for computer control of multimedia bingo games.
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From: Shopping/Toys and Games/Games/Bingo
Relevance: 99.99%
Rating: 10 | Votes: 2 | Date Listed: Jun 7, 2005

Bazaar & Novelty

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2. AV-Base Systems
WinAir, software for aviation maintenance, purchasing, and inventory control with over 30 years of experience as a leader in aviation management software.
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From: Shopping/Recreation/Aviation/Software
Relevance: 89.15%
Rating: 0 | Votes: 0 | Date Listed: Jun 7, 2005

AV-Base Systems

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3. Hammond Hobbies and Toys
Offering dolls, telescopes, model trains, rockets, games, puzzles and collectibles. We sell all the hard to find, fun toys and games you remembered as a kid. Toys kids actually play with.
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From: Shopping/Toys and Games/Hobby Stores
Relevance: 73.31%
Rating: 0 | Votes: 0 | Date Listed: Jun 7, 2005

Hammond Hobbies and Toys

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4. Plastic fence
Crowd control plastic barriers produced and designed in Spain. Barricades fences used for the purpose of ensuring order and safety at large.
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From: Other Interesting Websites/Business/Manufacturing
Relevance: 83.84%
Rating: 0 | Votes: 0 | Date Listed: Jul 5, 2012

Plastic fence

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